Saturday, November 17, 2007

How to Subscribe - and photos?

I just disconnected myself from the chemo pump I have to wear for 46 hours after each bi-weekly chemo infusion at the clinic, and to celebrate, I'm returning to the task I tried (unsuccessfully) to accomplish yesterday: posting a little slideshow of recent pictures, mostly of me reading at various venues. I've discovered that unless people actually see or touch me, they don't seem to be certain I exist. This is particularly true of out-of-towners, of course; but even local friends I haven't seen recently seem eager to see me. Well, OK, but I don't know if I've got the technology down. We'll see. You'll see.

Also, some of you have e-mailed to say you don't understand what happens when you click "subscribe." I don't, either, never having subscribed to a blog. Who knows, maybe this post will just show up in your e-mail in-box. Let me know.

And now--ta dum!--some pictures....

Well, maybe I don't exist. The pictures I thought I uploaded don't seem to be here, and I got some sort of "securityToken" saying the action I tried to take couldn't be accomplished. I'll try again, but don't hold your breath!